Aro Sagrado - An Ephemeral Art Practice

Aro Sagrado translates to Sacred Hoop in English. Inspired by a heap of Climate Anxiety and the need to find stillness in the middle of a Global Pandemic, I read “Morning Altars” by Day Schildkret and was lovingly instructed in a new practice that could help me make a major shift in my career.

The goal of these Ephemeral pieces is to create art that is expected to be blown away or decompose. To create less waste while appreciating the abundance that Nature continues to give without asking for anything in return. Each work is created following the principles of Leave No Trace and using entirely items found in the area they are placed.

  1. Atonement

  2. Duty Bound

  3. Collection Plate

  4. Sunrise Sunset

  5. Ribbed & Webbed

  6. IYKYK